Monday, March 8, 2021

March 2021 Week 10 Training 2021 Leadville 100

It has been said that long-distance ultra running is actually an eating contest that people happen to run at. I can say from experience the need to take in massive amounts of calories during a long-distance ultra is not exaggerated. For me staying on top of nutrition and hydration has always been an issue. Knowing this to be a weak link I have started introducing many different choices of foods and calories during my weekend long runs to see what works best for me. So far I have ingested between 100 and 200 calories every 2 to 3 miles of gummy worms, dried cranberries, almonds, and gels. Many more fun foods to come =)   

This coming week is a stepback week designed to give my body additional time to recover by reducing the weekly total miles. My current training plan emphasizes running as fast and easily as possible for a very long time. Most of the miles I run during any given week are run during the weekends with my long runs. Reducing this week's weekend-long runs gives me a chance to increase the effort of the weekday shorter distance runs and still benefit from the overall reduced weekly mileage for recovery purposes.  


Week nine recap 

Tuesday's 6 -mile road run at a moderate effort. My legs felt ok however I did not want to overdo this workout and possibly affect the weekend long runs.

Thursday I ran 8 miles on the trails warming up for 1 mile and feeling a little sore. Again as the week's training was geared towards the weekend-long runs I finished at an easy effort so I could save my legs.

Saturday I ran 19 trail miles at Northshore. This run felt great! I started early running 10 miles of the more technical sections alone at a nice even ultra effort. At mile 10 I met with a couple of friends who had 9 trail miles planned for the day and finished with them. This was one of my better long runs for this training cycle and it is always an encouragement to see improvement from training. 

Sunday I ran 10 trail miles at CRP getting in some vertical training on the day after a long run. All went well and it was one of my most recent good days running at CRP. 

Week 9  finished out with 43 total miles, 3,432' of climbing, and 3,517' of descending.  

My planned Workouts for Week 10

Week 10 - Week Ending March 14, 2021

Monday - Monday is my Recovery Day

Tuesday - 6-mile road run @ Vo2 work  (Goal for this run this week is to increase my overall fitness and provide the opportunity to increase my overall easy effort pace)

Wednesday - 30-minute Plyometrics workout (for muscle power, fitness, and fatigue resistance) 

Thursday - 8 miles trail run with Hill strides - an easy effort trail run that I will attack the hills with a hard effort  (Goal for this run this week is to work on fitness and muscle power and get stronger at climbing)

Friday - 30 Min strength workout (for fatigue resistance, muscle power)

Saturday -  12 miles  Road and Trails mix at WEFG (More of a recovery run with a local running group for fun and socializing)

Sunday - 8 miles road at a steady easy effort with a local running group for fun and recovery so I can get ready for next week's training. 

* You can see how each run progresses in my Strava feed below


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